On 23 May 2011 11:53, andy baxter <andy@email-addr-hidden-online.co.uk> wrote:
> On 23/05/11 07:23, sevol wrote:
>> There are other variable temperature control designs too, allowing
>> more exact temperature adjustments, but I've never used these. Also,
>> look at a good online soldering how-to.
> There is quite a bit of info about soldering techniques on
> instructables.com. E.g.:
> http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-solder/
Thanks for all the tips everyone. I've gone for an 80w Weller
soldering iron and will use a "twin 1/4" mono jacks to 3.5mm stereo
jack cable" and cutting the 3.5mm stereo jack off and replacing it
with a mini xlr. Hopefully this will improve the audio quality just by
the reduction of connections (the coupler gives very fuzzy
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Received on Mon May 23 16:15:03 2011
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