On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 08:56 +0200, hermann wrote:
> Am Montag, den 30.05.2011, 08:36 +0200 schrieb Raffaele Morelli:
> > Just use testing/wheezy, there's no need to face with the unstable
> > release bugs or with the "vintage" stability when you have the mid
> > choice. IMHO
> >
> > regards -r
> >
> depend on your own choice, I prefer sid/experimental for various reasons
> and use that for a couple of years now without hazel.
> greats
> hermann
IIUC Robin mentioned that it's possible to to mix repositories. I should
download and install the stable and then can add repositories for
The netinst failed, this didn't work http://wiki.debian.org/PPPoE.
FWIW after a second trial rebooting from Debian to Ubuntu Natty didn't
cause X issues for Natty, hence this didn't belong to Debian's grub.cfg,
but to the issues I've got with Ubuntu installs in general, the reason
to switch the distro.
Hm? Because the netinst doesn't work I now have to download and burn 8
DVDs? I won't use a distro based on Debian, install this and than switch
to "clean" Debian.
-- Ralf
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon May 30 16:15:01 2011
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