Jeremy Jongepier wrote:
> On 08/06/2011 07:09 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Jeremy Jongepier wrote:
>>> My 2¢: social media don't work for Linux Audio. I think the only
>>> thing that
>>> does work is good video tutorials, that's really big at the moment, good
>>> blogs and decent articles on authorative sites and in printed magazines.
>> I think you really want to expand your understanding of what social
>> media is. All of the above except printed magazines is part of it :)
> Hello Alexandre,
> You're right, I'm confusing social media and social networking services.
> I meant the latter.
>>> the other things are imho not useful. Twitter, Facebook, Google+
>>> won't work,
>>> simply too much dispersion, people don't collaborate on these platforms,
>>> they only click on buttons and leave pointless comments.
>> That's quite an exxageration.
> I know. I've already replied to Rosea where that originates from. Next
> time I'll keep the whole picture in mind :)
> I do some techsupport for Inkscape, GIMP
>> and Scribus via Twitter. It's actually useful for helping people solve
>> simple issues. That's not a direct marketing, but it helps preserving
>> user base. Of course, one could go beyond that.
>>> I call BS, with the band I convinced the others to ditch Cubase in
>>> favor of
>>> Qtractor because every rehearsal session we were totally lost again
>>> on how
>>> to record a simple track.
>> You mean you didn't know how to use Cubase? :)
> Ha ha, yeah, that's true. We even borrowed a 300 page Cubase book from a
> friend but still we didn't manage.
Well, for comparison, I once tried to make a simple stereo recording
using Ardour, and was completely unable to figure it out. But pro-level
software is complex and assumes that its user has a lot of
domain-specific knowledge (is an experienced audio engineer). I don't
fault the UI for that!
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Sun Aug 7 00:15:01 2011
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