On 09/28/2011 11:28 AM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> On 09/28/2011 07:48 AM, Jeremy Jongepier wrote:
>> On 09/27/2011 09:56 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
>>> Jost, Qtractor
>> Never got Jost to work properly and Qtractor supports LinuxVST's just
>> fine but chokes on the more recent and complex ones (like the TAL
>> plug-ins).
> is that qtractor svn? vestige on 64bit? it should be solved in latest
> qtractor svn trunk.
> or is that on kernel 3.0-rt, 64bit? strangely enough, the tal-plugins
> have this nasty tendency to crash when in presence of the 3.0-rt kernel
> (yes, it's the kernel that is crashing) no matter which vst headers are
> qtractor compiled in (vst-sdk or vestige)
> byee
Hello Rui,
Sorry for the noise, just installed Qtractor (32bit, Vestige
headers, generic Unubut kernel) and TAL NoiseMaker seems to work fine, I
can even load presets which was impossible before. Argh, I should really
test with recent versions before I come up with any findings...
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