On 10/2/2011, "Roberto Suarez Soto" <talkingxouba@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> http://xouba.net/post/10928797789/floss-your-music-ken-restivo
Excellent read, although I could quite happily have read twice, three or
even four times the amount! I always like to read in-depth about
fascinating topics :-)
Two points of pedantry: I think the list of shredders should include
Rhodes not Roads (I'm assuming it's Randy that's referred to) and
Octave's The Cat was a very close knock-off of the ARP Odyssey, not a
Moog -- to the degree that they were sued by ARP apparently.
Keep up the good work.
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Received on Sun Oct 2 16:15:01 2011
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