On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 7:03 AM, david <gnome@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Jan Depner wrote:
>> On Sat, 2011-10-15 at 19:10 +0100, rob wrote:
>>> On 15/10/11 18:49, Ketil Thorgersen wrote:
>>>> Hi list
>>>> I just gave away my UA25 to my son because I had a pci port on a
>>>> computer and this old but capable ice7212 based sound card lying in a
>>>> closet. I remember it even worked a couple of years ago in Linux. Anyway -
>>>> now it doesn't record. It plays ack fine, but I am not able to make it
>>>> record. This is on Ubuntu natty with KXstudio desktop and a multimedia
>>>> kernel. I've tried both the special mixer Envy24 control end the later
>>>> version. Even tried alsa mixer, but I cannot for the life of figure out how
>>>> to get a signal into the computer.
>>>> Everything looks good in qjackctl - 8 inputs/outputs etc.
>>>> Does anyone actually use this any longer? Any hints??
>>>> All the best
>>>> Ketil
>>> There was an issue sometime ago with ice1712 cards and pulseaudio. I
>>> don't know whether that applies in your case.
>>> rob
>> I've got the same card and I just loaded CentOS 6. Mine appears to work
>> OK but pulse is hosing up everything else. I can run through JACK and
>> direct to ALSA with Audacity but all other sound is hosed. Anyone know
>> how to kill Pulse?
> Uninstall it? That's what I always do.
Yes Ive been doing that (on ubuntu systems) but for me that means that all
other gnome-ly things eg audio-in-firefox etc stop working.
My ubuntu is a few versions old so... have recent versions got their act
together so that audio works with or without pulse?
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Oct 16 08:15:01 2011
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