On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:31:48AM +0200, Jostein Chr. Andersen wrote:
> It's interesting that in the 70's (the last half for me) and 80's, we did not
> have much possibilities compared to what we have today, we had to stick to
> what we had. But the sound itself and the mixes could sound very good. Much of
> what's typical of the sound from the 70's and 80's was not about quality but
> sound preferences, well expect for noise, echo and other tape and HW
> artifacts.
It's also interesting to note that, with the plethora of devices,
plugins and general techniques available today, mmusic production seems
to be sonically convergent. IOW, back when people had less freedom in
terms of choice, they fought harder to create a production sound
specific to them, while today, that self-same freedom seems to be used
to mimic one another as much as possible. (This is speaking broadly, of
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