On 10/19/2011 09:09 PM, S. Massy wrote:
> It's also interesting to note that, with the plethora of devices,
> plugins and general techniques available today, mmusic production seems
> to be sonically convergent. IOW, back when people had less freedom in
> terms of choice, they fought harder to create a production sound
> specific to them, while today, that self-same freedom seems to be used
> to mimic one another as much as possible. (This is speaking broadly, of
> course.)
> Cheers,
> S.M.
Maybe that's because times are changing. Artists and bands do not have
the budgets anymore that say Fleetwood Mac had when they recorded
Rumors, when their producer rented a complete opera Hall to record just
one song. They had the budget to do that, nowadays my bet is that even
Coldplay or Lady Gaga are tied to much smaller budgets simply because
the demand is less. No artist will ever top Simon & Garfunkel in Central
Park again, pop and rockstars are being superseded by soccerplayers and
No wonder a lot of music production is sonically convergent, the record
industry is getting pretty desparate if you ask me and as long as the
shrinking audience still likes more of the same they'll get it stuffed
through their throats.
Another thing is that musicians are getting more and more lazy (well,
that's the way I see it but it sure is food for thought). Within two or
three decades Native Instruments will come up with something that will
convert any ideas into music, exactly as you had it in your mind. Put on
some kind of augmented reality helmet thingy and 'create' a complete
record within a few hours. Just speculating here of course ;)
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