On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 19:00 +0000,
linux-audio-user-request@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> Almost all of my recording is 'classical' music which does not
> require high average level or invasive compression. But even
> using conservative average levels (mostly EBU loudness based
> these days), that doean't mean that you can't get a signal that
> peaks above 0 dB. It may happen just 0.01% of the time, but it
> happens. And such short peaks are no good reason to lower the
> average level, and limiting them to avoid clipping is completely
> transparent, so I always use a limiter in the master bus.
I experienced this 0.01% of the time margin is overstepped as not being
audible. YMMV Overstepping 0 dBFS not always cause audible results.
Most times I'm not using a limiter, sometimes I'm using a limiter for
the master bus too, but I don't think that it's a good thing doing this,
usually a limiter does destroy the sound.
Anyway, the context was about using the limiter as a very active
plug-in, while you're talking about the limiter as something that will
be active in the worst case szenario, 0.01% of the times ;).
> but none of them would produce such
> gratituous nonsense as what you write above.
It's hard for you to understand the context of speech? :D
2 Cents,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Oct 20 04:15:03 2011
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