fred wrote:
>> Who needs mics?
> Well,,, maybe singers, sax players, or anyone who can't provide a jack
> output...
>> Last Wednesday at Starbucks, I saw two college age guys sharing a
>> table. Each had a laptop in front of him. One had a Les Paul, the
>> other some other electric guitar. Each instrument was plugged into
>> some external audio device that was plugged into his laptop. Each had
>> headphones on. Each was playing and recording, replaying, etc, etc.
>> After a while, they packed up their guitars and computers and left.
> Wow ! 2 guitar players at the same table, and they're not jamming
> together ?
I think they were two musicians working together on separate tracks. I
could only see what the guy on the Les Paul was playing, and he was
apparently following something on screen - like he was adding a track to
an existing project.
>> Portable studio. Why should they worry about having large monitors or
>> an acoustically known room?
> Hum, IIRC it was about mastering songs like Bob Ludwig does ?
>> Their audience won't be listening on that kind of equipment or that
>> kind of room. They'll probably be listening on earphones, possibly at
>> the back of a bus with the sound cranked up so they can hear it over
>> the bus engine ...
> Don't see any offense, but playing for friends and try to enjoy masses
> with your art are 2 differents sides of the pleasure with music, OTOH it
> is a place where you can have a good result without big money, this
> place called FLOSS !
I doubt that either of them were using FLOSS, but I didn't wander over
and check out their laptop displays.
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Fri Oct 21 12:15:05 2011
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