On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 1:17 PM, alexander <axeldenstore@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Awesome, I've been thinking about this myself too, There actually is a DA
> interface project that I found some months ago.. maby one could use that as
> a base ! I might be able to contribute with some electronics, mostly
> testing.. I'm more or less a beginner atm but I know how all basic
> components affect the signal... But yes, this have to be done, It's not like
> there'll be better audio interface linux support in the future...
I'm glad to hear you had the same idea. We might be crazy, but I
think it's worth a try :D
And there's also plenty of work designing high-speed data acquisition
hardware (into the millions of samples per second) with the platform
(FPGAs + ASIC) I'm proposing. What DA project have you seen lately?
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Received on Wed Oct 26 00:15:03 2011
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