On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:34:10 -0500
Stephen Stubbs <theother1510@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> 10/29/2011
> Hello All,
> What small, battery/electric powered, portable Amps are you using?
Hi, I built this
(the standard version with a 3-pole-double-throw switch to make the
Bassman mod they suggest on the page)
IIRC it drains about 100-150mah at full gain, so on a 9V NiCD battery
pack of 600mah I got from an old RC car it should run several hours -
I never tested it for that long though.
With my semiacoustic guitar it sounds pretty good (on the cabinet from
a cheap classic-guitar Ibanez amp); you can even pull out some nice
overdrive from it. I'd say it would be just adeguate to jam in an open
space with another non-percussive acoustic instrument - that's what I
originally built it for, but I'm still waiting for a chance to test it.
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Received on Sun Oct 30 16:15:02 2011
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