On 10/30/2011 3:16 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-10-30 at 12:00 +0000,
> linux-audio-user-request@email-addr-hidden wrote:
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:34:10 -0500
>> From: Stephen Stubbs<theother1510@email-addr-hidden>
>> Subject: [LAU] OT: What battery powered Amps are you using?
>> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
>> Message-ID:<4EAC2B02.4060205@email-addr-hidden>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> 10/29/2011
>> Hello All,
>> What small, battery/electric powered, portable Amps are you using?
>> I'm taking up the Autoharp (an acoustic instrument) that has a
>> magnetic
>> pickup with 1/4" jack output. I have a Zoom H2 recorder that I would
>> use as a vocal microphone (has the 1/8" mini-stereo line output).
>> I'm not interested in special guitar effects. A graphic equalizer is
>> a
>> plus.
>> The Vox Mini 3 looks promising. I could run the Autoharp 1/4" out
>> through the Vox 1/4" input jack. The Zoom H2 line out into the Vox
>> Aux
>> In jack. Will this work?
>> And do any of these Amps have a Line Out that I could run to my
>> Yamaha
>> MG10/2 mixer? That would be very nice for recording.
>> Other suggestions?
>> Thanks All,
>> Stephen.
> If you know how to solder build your own amp. I suspect that those
> battery powered amps don't have any special characteristics comparable
> to those of big amps. Resp. if there are low cost battery amps, I would
> test the cheapest.
> A review in German says that the amp should be ok, if you need amp
> simulation.
> http://www.musiker-board.de/reviews-e-git/403506-amp-vox-mini-3-a.html
> I suspect that if you need all the features you can't build an amp
> yourself for that price. Since you don't need it, why paying that much
> money?
> - Ralf
Thanks for the reply, Ralf.
I have no knowledge or skills when it comes to electrical engineering,
soldering, or wiring. Building my own is not an option.
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