Re: [LAU] Soundcard broken? What else can I test

From: Clemens Ladisch <clemens@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 01 2012 - 11:45:49 EET

Julien Claassen wrote:
> I rebooted a couple of times. The first time, no Delta soundcard at all.

This indicates a hardware problem with either the mainboard, the slot,
or the sound card.

> Rebooted, found the soundcard. But the alsamixer settings were a bit
> wrong. [...]

This would be a symptom of some of the chip's registers not actually

> All the volume levels are check.

Some mixer controls cannot be read from the hardware, so the driver just
reports the last value it has written.

> what else can I do, to eliminate possibilities

The only remaining possibility is the ICE1712 chip on the sound card.
It's busted.

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Received on Wed Feb 1 12:15:02 2012

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