Rustom Mody:
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Daniel Worth <pipemanmusic@email-addr-hidden>
> wrote:
>> This is easily solved with qjacktl's patchbay. It's clients like
>> this that
>> it was designed for.
> This looks very useful --- just what I was asking for.
> However...
> When I tried this a few days ago, firefox showed as
> alsa-jack.rawjackC(somenumber)
> and audacity showed as portaudio(something)
I'm not sure if I have followed all of the discussion. But if your
problem is to record firefox, it's not very difficult:
1. Start jack
2. Start pulseaudio using jack sinks:
$ pulseaudio -L module-jack-sink -L module-jack-source
[Automatically: Put "'sleep 5 &&
/home/kjetil/bin/' &" under
qjackctl->options->"execute scripts after startup",
where "" is a script containing "pulseaudio -L
module-jack-sink -L module-jack-source"]
3. Start firefox
4. Play something
5. Record from jack, for instance using jack_capture, like this:
$ jack_capture
(no options!)
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Received on Fri Feb 3 20:15:02 2012
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