On 02/06/2012 01:33 PM, Renato wrote:
> Hi, I've got a friend who would like to try out linux for audio and
> he's asking me for help. He's totally new to linux and it's been a
> while since I've used super-begginner's documentation, so I'm asking
> you for help.
> So, what distro should I reccomend him? is Ubuntu Studio 64 maintained
> and well documented? Or better go with vanilla Ubuntu?
> I know many like AVLinux, but I guess for a total newbie Ubuntu is
> safer since it's easier to find docs online and help when you get stuck
> with something (and sooner or later that happens when learning a new
> OS).
> Passed that, I'd like to point him to some good not-outdated
> docs, bonus points if in italian. For starters a little
> simple guide on setting up Qjackctl, maybe with screenshots, would be
> gold.
> Generally speaking, if you have any suggestions of things I should or
> should not tell him, you're more than welcome.
> BTW currently I think he's using fruity loops on windows.
> Also, a while ago I had found an italian forum on linux audio, but now
> I've lost it - anyone has a link?
> cheers,
> renato
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I would recommend Tango Studio or AVLinux atm.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 6 20:15:02 2012
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