2012/2/3 alexander <axeldenstore@email-addr-hidden>
> On 02/03/2012 10:41 AM, Gerald Mwangi wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> The album is great. Did you record it with a band or by yourself?
> Regards,
> Gerald
> I wrote, recorded, mixed and played everything myself (my ego is reaching
> critical mass ;)) It's taken almost precisely a year to do this, I released
> the first tracks january 26th 2011.. I've recently bought a cello too and
> my next songs will be a oneman quartet rather than a trio. It might take
> some time tho cause the stroke action on the cello isn't as easy to 'fake'.
> With this I mean that it either sounds good or _reeaallly_ horrible so you
> really have to know how to do it right.. Plucked instruments and the
> mechanical hammer action on the piano are alot more forgiving on this
> mather so it's alot easier to get away with not so great playing :D I also
> think I'll release later works in larger chunks.. we'll see what the future
> brings...
> On Fri, 2012-02-03 at 08:37 +0100, thijs van severen wrote:
> it's jazz ...
> no one will ever notice a 25ms shift ;-))
> ;D
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Hi Alex.
I'm just listening to the downloaded album and I'm totally agree with the
other LAU folks, the album is really good: a tasty mix of Jazz,
experimentation and even a little progressive at times (ie the sound of the
Mellotron on track 5).
I think this won't be the last time I listen to it.
So, you have already list the gear you used to record. BTW, very clean and
professional recording. I would like to know something about how was the
process to the final mix, given that you played it all and it seems in
different (maybe distant) points in time.
Thanks for sharing.
-- Carlos sanchiavedraz * Musix GNU+Linux http://www.musix.es
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 7 16:15:02 2012
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