Am 09.02.2012 12:13, schrieb Alexandre Prokoudine:
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 4:22 AM, Harry van Haaren wrote:
>> But I did just now: Sure its cool stuff, but is this going to be the next
>> stuff played on radio?
> You mean, is the next album by Dream Theater going to feature Rudess
> playing on iPad which he already does? Quite likely, yes.
> Oh, and he uses Haken Audio Continuum in live perfomances too. That
> must be such an abomination :)
Indeed! Unthinkable abomination -- how dares this traitor to play
anything, that is not in the book of good and standard instruments for
rockbands?! This is an outrage!
Very well then, I hope, I get Harrys intention correctly if I think, he
refers to presetted sequences and the like. This is a point as long, as
the presets cannot be made by the user him/herself.
On the other hand: there are no restrictions for using anything, that
makes a noise to play music.
I saw Nick Cave playing a 20.000 Euro piano combined with a 10 Euro
toy-keyboard that accompanied his piano with some preset-drumbeat taken
with a vocals-mic from its very own speakers.
And it was beautiful. It worked, most probably it was better and more
interesting as it would have been if a real drummer would have played
the beat on a vintage Ludwig.
Software-instruments played on a pad-device may not be in the same
league as guitars regarding opportunities for expression but there are
many instruments that cannot rival a guitar or a Moog. And nobody would
say: uuhhh that trumpet cannot play power-chords, not a real instrument!
best regards
> Alexandre Prokoudine
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