I just uploaded gmorgan v.56 to sourceforge.
Gmorgan is a midi processor. It can be voiced using Linux synths, midi
connected equipment, or a soundcard.
but it is best to use a velocity sensing midi keyboard so that the first
4 voices can be layered.
It works with Linux distributions, but would take some effort to run in
The green button on sourceforge will not download this latest
version. You have to go to 'files' to find this revision.
Ubuntu is changing the way the menu bar works, so Ubuntu users
will need to find the menu bar on the sequencer screen. (Note: if you
don't see the
menu bar on the sequencer screen, be sure that you are at the top,
put the cursor in the left upper corner, right click and if
you have the position right, you should see a pull-down with
a 'load' option.) It's a definite Ubuntu bug.
There are some videos linked from the sourceforge main page.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Feb 11 20:15:01 2012
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