2012/2/11 Jeremy Jongepier <jeremy@email-addr-hidden>
> Remixing Leigh's (Pneuman) track is simply taking me too long and the
> baby's due next week so I'm just releasing this remix. It's not finished
> though but I will probably never finish it, for the moment I have enough of
> all the quirks of the software I'm using.
> Here's the remix, hope you like it. Actually it's not really a remix but
> basically a complete new song.
> http://downloads.autostatic.**com/music/pneuman-move_along_**
> dj_autostatic_remix.ogg<http://downloads.autostatic.com/music/pneuman-move_along_dj_autostatic_remix.ogg>
> sounds prety f#%&ing good to me !!
> So sorry Leigh that I probably won't finish it but it just doesn't work.
> Every time I wanted to work on this the track sounded differently again
> (probably because of some rogue plug-ins, I suspect some of the Calf ones),
> or the session didn't start up because JACK doesn't like some apps loading
> simultaneously or too quickly one after another and there were also some
> stupid actions on my side like deleting complete tracks or buses of which I
> thought I didn't need them anymore resulting in a complete mess. Next
> project I will make a backup of my Qtractor session every single time I
> have worked on it.
> Ok, what did I do? Well, I tried remixing one of Leigh Dyer's (Pneuman)
> tracks, namely Move Along.
> http://electronaut.**linuxgamers.net/~lsd/music/**
> releases/movealong/movealong.**ogg<http://electronaut.linuxgamers.net/~lsd/music/releases/movealong/movealong.ogg>
> My goal was to create a nice dance-able electro tune out of it. So I had
> to speed everything up quite a lot (from about 85 to 125BPM I reckon) but
> Rubberband did the job marvelously. It even changed the vocal samples in
> such a way that they just sounded very inspiring so it was really fun to
> find the right sounds that could go with the vocals. And I wanted to alter
> the melody in some parts so enter Zita-AT1 from Fons. With this track I
> learned all the ins and outs of this great tool and ended up with vocal
> parts that Fons will probably despise but hey, it IS an autotuner after
> all! So thanks Fons! Amazing tool, especially when you feed it MIDI stuff,
> it does wonders then.
> Next I added a vocoder to the vocals for the chorus, the MDA one which I
> like best compared to the other ones available. I wanted to try the TAL one
> but somehow my setup doesn't like Juce based plug-ins. I'm having a faint
> hunch that those plug-ins aren't real-time safe which may sound weird but
> they seem to work better with a generic kernel. On a real-time kernel they
> lock up my system within half an hour.
> All the samples were fed into Qtractor by Hydrogen. Hydrogen is a great
> sampler but the 0.9.5 version I used is so unreliable. One of the main
> reasons I don't pursue this remix is Hydrogen. Reordering, adding or
> deleting instruments, ah ah, don't even try, very often Hydrogen stalled
> then and if it did work the JACK graph wasn't updated properly. And because
> of this behavior and trying to troubleshoot it I had moments when I
> thought, wtf am I doing? I want to make music, not filing bugreports or
> troubleshooting my own system.
i _SO_ know the feeling :-(
still, thanks so much for your bug reports, and if it is any comfort : the
jack port renaming issues *should* be fixed in the next 0.9.6beta, and we
really are working on making hydrogen 0.9.6 the most stable release ever.
so by the time your newborn sleeps trough the night, and you have regained
full consciousness there will be a reborn 0.9.6 waiting for you ;-)
> One day my session didn't start up anymore. It really took me too long to
> find out I had to raise the number of available JACK ports. Default is 256
> but this project uses way more ports than that.
> Qtractor... Yeah, I cursed at that one every once in a while too. But that
> was also because of the other apps I used that just don't work that well
> with Qtractor, specifically seq24. I really need to ditch seq24 and start
> looking at alternatives like HarmonySEQ. seq24 is dead and staying with
> JACK 0.118.x just because of seq24 is just plain silly. But Qtractor proved
> itself again, dozens of tracks, dozens of plug-ins, no biggie. Automation
> is still a tad fiddly but if I find a good way to express what the actual
> issues are I'm sure Rui will improve it faster than you expect.
> Plug-ins, well, for softsynths I used some zynaddsubfx DSSI's and the MDA
> JX10 VST, a lot of compressors (SC3, SC4, linuxDSP Pro-Dynamics, Invada
> stereo compressor), the obligatory Calf Vintage Delay for the crash, Calf
> Saturator for the vocals and drums in the chorus, a lot of different
> reverbs, the MDA vocoder VST for the chorus and a distortion somewhere, I
> think for the MDA JX10. And I worked a lot with inserts for the vocals (to
> feed them into Zita-AT1) and the bass synth (sidechain compression).
> Besides the plug-ins I used Zita-AT1 (two instances, Zita-AT1 doesn't like
> getting fed overlapping samples so I split those between the two
> instances), Yoshimi (in some cases the zynaddsubfx DSSI and Yoshimi sounded
> differently), Hydrogen, seq24 and Zita-DPL1 as the limiter on the Master
> bus.
> Sample-wise I used a lot of Leigh's original stems, like the crash, the
> piano, the vocals, a kick here and there and some bass parts. For the
> chorus I used some samples from a Sequential Circuits DrumTrax samplepack.
> I got the kick from some blog, http://www.boyinaband.com/.
> Like I said, the track isn't finished. The chorus lacks energy because of
> unbalanced levels and missing stuff in the lower regions, some of the
> samples click because they are being processed in real-time by Hydrogen and
> I wanted to use some cutoff filtering in the bridge but had such a hard
> time setting it up in Qtractor that I dropped that idea. And the mix is too
> dry and needs more compression, it's just too tame.
> So, time to move along. I probably won't be making any music for some
> weeks, my girlfriend is 39 weeks pregnant so I'll become dad again very
> soon. Also I have a different busier job for which I also try to study a
> bit at home. Luckily it's fascinating stuff (Asterisk & Kamailio, so VoIP
> telephony with SIP) and being the only one at that company with a solid
> Linux background is very gratifying also, but also very demanding. But new
> stems are coming my way, next project will be a remix of a The Cut/Up track
> (http://www.reverbnation.com/**thecutup<http://www.reverbnation.com/thecutup>).
> And I'm also working on some acoustic stuff, so something completely
> different. Despite our little family growing I do hope to release more
> stuff in 2012.
i hope so too !
> Best,
> Jeremy
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