Le 25/02/2012 13:58, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
> PS: Some people are willing to help unpaid for social projects. They
> contribute by giving e.g. medical help to children in the Third World.
> It would be nice if they don't need to use Apple or Microsoft, but
> instead could use a Linux that works OOTB. They don't contribute by
> maintaining Linux, they don't have knowledge how to maintain a tool such
> as a computer, but they contribute to the human race.
> Everything that goes around, comes around ;).
> It's narrow-minded to limit the cycle to Linux only.
> :p
Hi Ralf,
I 100% agree with your willing of a free OS for free people.
Thought Debian Stable was this universal OS.
Is it not true ?
Have almost follow the exchange between Hermann and you, and the point
seems to be the Nvidia driver ? Are you sure than NGOs use this kind of
(expensive and 3D-gamer) material on their equipments ?
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