> There is or I probably should say was, the tendency to blame the user
> for workflow flaws in the world of Linux(audio)! The concept 'Creative
> workflow' didn't even seem to exist on Linux.
> From Ardour3 stable (don't expect truly stable behavior from a beta
> version) we will blame the software from now on! Deal? ;)
> Nice drumkit btw
> \r
ofcourse a beta isnt stable, that's why im using it :P I mean, somebody
have to find the bugs too...
no deal ;P way to harsh against the devs who infact do alot of this
withouth pay... (I try to remain humble) ;)
I do know what you are talking about tho, but it's also often the case
that it's the user with a work flow idea who is way to passionate about
it being the best idea ever! I know I do it myself sometimes..
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Received on Wed Feb 29 00:15:03 2012
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