[LAU] Call for music -- LAC 2012 video-trailer soundtrack

From: Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 06 2012 - 02:11:29 EET

**Create a soundtrack for the LAC 2012 video-trailer**

We are going to prefix the video-recordings of this year's LAC with a
short trailer. Currently it is silent: http://vimeo.com/37900660

What better source is there for the Linux-Audio-Conference-Sound than
the Linux-Audio community itself!

It's on rather short notice, but it's just 8 seconds long.

Details to answer the call, as well as information about the video can
be found in README.txt that accompanies the video-file:

looking forward to /hear/ from you,

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 6 04:15:01 2012

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