[LAU] First release of zita-ajbridge

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Mar 18 2012 - 23:22:28 EET

Hello all,

The first official release of zita-ajbridge is now available at

Quoting the README:

This package provides two applications, zita-a2j and zita-j2a.
They allow to use an ALSA device as a Jack client, to provide
additional capture (a2j) or playback (j2a) channels.
Functionally these are equivalent to the alsa_in and alsa_out
clients that come with Jack, but they provide much better audio
quality. The resampling ratio will typically be stable within
1 PPM and change only very smoothly. Delay will be stable as
well even under worse case conditions, e.g. the Jack client
running near the end of the cycle.

You will also need the latest zita-resampler and zita-alsa-pcmi

All feedback welcome.


Vor uns liegt ein weites Tal, die Sonne scheint - ein Glitzerstrahl.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 19 00:15:03 2012

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