Re: [LAU] Ubuntu Studio

From: Rick Green <rtg@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Mar 18 2012 - 23:16:27 EET

On Sun, 18 Mar 2012, Julien Claassen wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> I'm looking for a good audio distro for a GUI-minded friend. I thought,
> that Ubuntu Studio was the one, but we didn't really find something like a
> live-DVD for that. My question: If I'm right and it really is Ubuntu Studio,
> that I'm looking for, could someone recommend a good place to get a live-DVD.

Ubuntu Studio has not published a live DVD in several years. However, the
upcoming release, scheduled for late April, now in beta, has one.
   Daily build available here:
The daily build is built for AMD_64 only, the final release, as well as
the Beta1 (March 1st) will be available for several other architectures as
   I just booted yesterday's daily build on my laptop. jack started up
readily, as well as Ardour. The Ardour release is 2.8.2, with a copyright
date of 2009. Current release is 2.8.12 (sept 2011), so it looks like the
debian & ubuntu packagers haven't kept up...

AVLinux, which was mentioned by another, is only available for i386.

Rick Green
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
                                   -Benjamin Franklin
"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our
safety and our ideals."
                                -President Barack Obama 20 Jan 2009
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Received on Mon Mar 19 00:15:03 2012

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