Re: [LAU] OT: Behringer PSU UB-SPSU2 for an Eurorack UB2442FX-PRO

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 10 2012 - 11:00:43 EEST

On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 10:06:23PM +0200, Arnold Krille wrote:

> I thought the same when it comes to audio equipment. But one of my electronic
> mentors teached me: "Isn't it better to have a PSU with internal frequencies
> well in the MHz region to influence your audio (where its easy to filter) than
> having a PSU with 50Hz and harmonics to influence your audio?"

Your mentor is missing the point that even for a switched mode PSU the
input is 50 or 60 Hz, and *something* has to store enough energy to bridge
the gaps between half cycle peaks. So you'll get mains harmonics anyway,
just as with a linear PSU.


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Received on Thu May 10 12:15:01 2012

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