Re: [LAU] [solved] OT: Behringer PSU UB-SPSU2 for an Eurorack UB2442FX-PRO

From: gene heskett <gheskett@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 10 2012 - 03:38:47 EEST

On Wednesday, May 09, 2012 08:35:36 PM Ralf Mardorf did opine:

> On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 12:02 -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> > Could=cold=microscopic crack in the solder?
> No a perfect looking joint had no contact to a pin, it only had conatct
> to the board.
> > I'm not familiar with that particular diode. However power rated
> > switching diodes that fast really stretch the limits of the
> > technology, so I would expect a higher failure rate for that compared
> > to the 3 to 20 microsecond recovery times of a more normal power
> > diode.
> Indeed. the HER 303 with 50ns is the second fast diode we found. Thomas
> searched a lot and found another diode with 25ns or similar fast. He
> never has seen such a fast diode in another switching supply.
> I don't have any experiences. Yesterday I learned it and why just one
> diode is needed.
> > 3 kilovolts peak
> That's why I would like to live in a house with several stages of
> overvoltage protection. Those spark gap thingys from the DYI market or
> the same crap 100 * more expensive from the musical instrument dealer
> won't help if this happens. Even if the peak would be slow.
> > Light bulbs and small equipment fuses didn't last as long as they
> > should have for obvious reasons.
> :
> :D
> And it easily could go through the computer too.

fortunately, the closest thing to a computer in those days was my TI SR-51.
Except for a few mainframes that cost millions, computers as we know them
now, were still a decade in the future, this was the '70's.

> Regards,
> Ralf

Cheers, Gene

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