Am 13.05.2012 um 13:21 schrieb Harry van Haaren <harryhaaren@email-addr-hidden>:
> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Mike Mazarick <mazarick@email-addr-hidden
> > wrote:
> Linux audio is at a critical juncture that is similar to a band
> which has
> been together for several years that has written great songs but
> hasn't had
> a 'hit' yet.
> In my opinion, Linux audio is a hit. 5 years ago I finished
> secondary school and decided to try learn "audio programming". I'd
> already dabbled with C++ and Python for a year or so. The reason
> that I'm where I am now w.r.t. audio coding is due to the open,
> helpful and sharing attributes of the LAD / LAU communities.
> Perhaps when comparing Linux audio to other OS's on commercial
> aspects things look skewed: but you've already discounted one
> fantastic aspect of Linux audio, and that can't be said for
> proprietary land where the best features are the most gaurded.
Linux Audio has been giving me tools for my passion, art and daily
work for more than the last decade. I am really thankful for that,
My impression of LAU and LAD is that of an honest, argumentative and
compassionate community going for the long haul. It may not always
sound that way. But jazz aint dead either.
And ceterum censeo: my dream of incorporating the tools and traditions
of the free software community into the workflow of recording artists
who are geographically separated, is still behind the hill.
That's just great, because I think a universal approach to managing
sessions is on the horizon. I am pretty sure that this will bring a
great number of fresh users to linux audio.
Let's keep our discussions at the best we can. There are people out
there who want to feel welcome.
- Burkhard
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue May 15 00:15:05 2012
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