Re: [LAU] Mission Statement

From: Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun May 13 2012 - 15:50:26 EEST

On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 6:07 AM, Mike Mazarick <mazarick@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Linux audio is at a critical juncture that is similar to a band which has
> been together for several years that has written great songs but hasn't had
> a 'hit' yet.
[ ... ]
> �It is very tough in this era of iTunes
> where everyone is looking for a megahit to be reminded that it is quite fine
> just to be the best you can be.

what you are talking about has absolutely nothing to do with the
reasons why i write audio software for linux, or for any other
platform. i happen to be friends with people who write very successful
audio software for other platforms and its not anything to do with
their reasons either.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun May 13 16:15:04 2012

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