Re: [LAU] xjadeo 0.6.4 -- was Tube Open Movie Project

From: Moshe Werner <moshwe@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed May 16 2012 - 17:00:21 EEST

I'm working on a 10 minutes short film now, and that's my exact workflow.
Improvise, refine, orchestrate, mix.
I'm using rosegarden + xjadeo + Ardour.

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:24 AM, david <gnome@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> On 05/14/2012 02:20 PM, Brett McCoy wrote:
>> On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 7:51 PM, Thomas
>> Vecchione<seablaede@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Blender would be extreme overkill for synching audio and video
>>>> for SFX or music. xjadeo/qjadeo is a such a nice dedicated little
>>>> app true to the Unix philosophy of "do one thing and do it well"
>>>> and is indispensible in my own workflow.
>>> Yes but it can be useful if you are working on animations that are
>>> fast changing, say if you were part of a team that was absolutely
>>> masochistic and kicking out a 5 minute animation in 48 hours... not
>>> that I ever do that.
>> You'd almost have to compose in realtime...
> Improvisation! Record it and refine it later.
> --
> David
> gnome@email-addr-hidden
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