[LAU] state of jamin

From: Atte André Jensen <atte@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 19 2012 - 22:54:32 EEST


I'm about to mix a larger rock-ish project recorded in logic using
ardour2 and thought I might wanna work a bit with jamin for mastering. I
was a bit surprised to find (according to
http://jamin.sourceforge.net/en/news.html) that the latest releast of
jamin (0.95.0) was in april 2005. In aur (I'm running arch) there's a
jamin-cvs at version 0.97.16. What's the state of the jamin project, is
it dead, which version should I install or should I look for another
project for mastering?

Thanks in advance...

http://atte.dk   http://modlys.dk
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Received on Sun May 20 00:15:01 2012

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