On Mon, 2012-08-06 at 01:43 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 05, 2012 at 12:05:48PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > First mistake, a comic isn't based on words only, second mistake,
> > for all popular arts, comics, music etc., there's more than just the
> > mainstream.
> Have you ever seen a "Commando", or any of those war type comics?
No, I don't know "Commando" and after gooleing and watching all that
Schwarzenegger pics I'm sure I don't know "those war type comics".
> "Arrrgh!!!", "Grunt!", Rat a tat tat!!! "Kill the hun!!!" aren't
> actually replacements for a book, like "Biggles", or "The Wind in the
> Willows" etc.
Comics are no replacements for carpets, bottles and automobiles. Comics
don't replace anything, they once upon a time were something new and
never intended as a replacement for something, especially not for books,
since comics are books too.
> Comics or whatever they call them now may have changed, but so has the
> standard of English which is so freely (ab)used.
English isn't the native spoken language all over the world, but the
international language, so English has got many foreign influences.
However, "Study Finds New Pop Music Does All Sound the Same". Chart
music nearly does sound equal, because the customers want it that way.
If you need shoes size 12, you won't go to a shoemaker claiming that
everybody wants shoes of that size, so he won't sell this size anymore.
The comparison of chord usage etc. between old and modern pop music is
insane. The niveau of music has less to do with physical artistic and
theory. I'm not watching Olympics, but playing complicated scale
combinations very fast to complicated music theory harmonies IMO belongs
to the Olympics. Some modern pop music became simpler, but that's a far
cry from saying that the niveau today is lower. People should listen to
music with their hearts (not with their brains (or dicks)). And we are
free to listen to more than just 10 heavy rotation songs in the media.
We are free to listen to a mix of old and new music that is composed and
arranged in a style we do like. There is no averaged pop music.
Especially today where we've got more and more different peer groups,
there's more and more independent music. Watch the kids on YouTube, they
play old music very good. They listen to old music, play old music, but
they also listen to modern music and compose and arrange modern music.
But yes, they often use an original Mellotron, pay analog studios to
record their music etc., instead of e.g. using Linux, Microsoft, Apple
for audio ;).
Some people made another study :D.
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