> > http://pastebin.com/pJKA10Ub
> > You can compile: gcc ex.c -lm then run ./a.out | aplay -r 44100 -f FLOAT_LE
> What exactly does this program output?
> I can save the output of this
> program to a file, but then, what
> would I do with this file?
just 4s of audio, as float 32bits, endianness of your computer
(probably little endian; almost everyone is little endian today).
You can "aplay" the file, or convert to whatever audio format
that has a header (and if you want compression, lossless or not)
using whatever tool you like (sox, ffmpeg, ...)
Use the python code to directly have a wav file.
I think you don't really need the file though.
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Received on Thu Oct 4 16:15:02 2012
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