Re: [LAU] OT: New i7 rig, Gfx card recomendations and more.

From: Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Oct 27 2012 - 23:50:08 EEST

On Sun, October 28, 2012 7:19 am, Arnold Krille wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Oct 2012 10:46:49 +0000 Kaza Kore <dj_kaza@email-addr-hidden>
> wrote:
>> TL/DR:
>> Z68 - works with RAID5 on SATA2 ports OK?
>> RME HDSP card - PCI or PCIe?
>> Gfx card recommendations??
>> Or persuade me to go for a cheaper rig as I probably don't really
>> need all that...
>> Regards, Dale.
> Regarding the raid5:
> And we (as the business I work for) have dismissed hw-raid in general.
> A while back you only got problems if your controller broke and you
> didn't have the same again. Nowadays you even get problems when you
> update the firmware of the controller (or when your cold-standby
> doesn't have the correct fw-version). Just stay away from it.
> For the Mobo: Use something from a brand known for quality. Asus might
> do okayish laptops, their boards are almost as crap as asrock. For an
> intel-system, why not use an intel board? The higher price is _small_
> when you take the higher quality into account. High-quality boards
> last much longer and work better.
> PCI is dead,

Alot of people would love to upgrade their older pci cards to new mobos.
It's becoming a real hassle to find boards that allow that.

> any graphics card with linux-support is good.

Depends if you want to have an open source driver without acceleration or
a closed source drive with acceleration.

> Now the
> salesman in me takes over: intel is actively supporting the
> linux-community also in the graphics field, not like nvidia.

I agree that Intel has become very supportive of Linux. They also have a
dedicated Linux department. Out of interest which chipsets do you
recommend from Intel that fully support accelerated graphics?

> Yes, we
> are an intel-reseller. We only see other hardware when its broken and
> the customers want us to fix it or get the data of from it.
> Have fun,
> Arnold
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Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Oct 28 00:15:03 2012

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