Yes, FM receivers switch to mono when reception is problematic, but
also, because of the L-R, L+R FM stereo derivation, out of phase content
causes problems. I don't remember the details because a) it was 40
years ago when I studied that, and; b) the majority of music doesn't
have considerable out of phase content, so it's not something I've been
overly concerned with.
On 11/25/2012 07:35 PM, Grekim wrote:
> That's a good point! When a receiver is not close enough to the
> transmitter, some receivers will switch to I recall. I'm
> guessing there might be crosstalk issues and compression issues too?
> In any case, I updated the program to allow the user to specify the
> pan law (up to 6 dB) and also do delay panning if you want :)
> Grekim
> On 11/23/2012 12:49 PM, Al Thompson wrote:
>> On 11/23/2012 08:01 AM, grekimj@email-addr-hidden wrote:
>>> Is mono compatibility really worth worrying about these days?
>> Yes. For many reasons, but one important one has to do with the way
>> FM radio is broadcast.
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