Re: [LAU] Wav loop points

From: Kaza Kore <dj_kaza@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 13 2012 - 14:45:45 EET

> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 23:03:13 +1100
> From: pshirkey@email-addr-hidden
> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Subject: Re: [LAU] Wav loop points

> It looks like it is done with cue points and playlists.
> "A playlist consists of an array of segments, each containing information
> about what sample the segment should start playing from, how long the
> segment is (in samples) and how many times to repeat the segment before
> moving on to the next segment in the play order."

No, you are looking at the wrong section. Although think it might still use the Cue Points...

smpl chunk:
"Sample Loops
The sample loops field specifies the number
Sample Loop definitions in the following list. This value may be set to 0
 meaning that no sample loops follow.
Sampler Data
The sampler data value specifies the
number of bytes that will follow this chunk (including the entire sample
 loop list). This value is greater than 0 when an application needs to
save additional information. This value is reflected in this chunks data
 size value.
List of Sample Loops
A list of sample loops is simply a
 set of consecutive loop descriptions that follow the format described
below. The sample loops do not have to be in any particular order
because each sample loop associated cue point position is used to
determine the play order. The sampler chunk is optional."

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Received on Thu Dec 13 16:15:01 2012

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