[LAU] [OT]: Heritage [WAS] Re: musicmadewithlinux: Mozart Symphony #40

From: Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsutton@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 18 2012 - 10:48:45 EET

On 18/12/12 00:31, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> and less cultural heritage preservation. ;)

Are you sure? What exactly are you talking about? Do you feel saying
something like this makes you a cool 'modern/contemporary/techno' artisti?

Cultural heritage is going to pieces in many places due to the fact that
in the current (bank-driven) ultra-utilitarian society where culture and
humanities are considered 'ephemeral', not practically useful.
When I say 'going to pieces' that is often literally; look at Pompei
buildings collapsing, look at the many small museums and libraries which
are (near to) closing.

So I would say, please less marketing shite, less 'technology'
consumerism (iStuff, smartphones and the likes), and *more* cultural
heritage preservation.

I would also say more education, and for music and musical culture,
education to listening, not necessarily in an academic way: simply the
ability to go a little deeper than just the surface.

As for technology, I would say more awareness, so that people who are
bombarded by ads are actually able to think, and understand what they
are really being sold (and what they are often 'selling' when buying
this stuff e.g. in terms of privacy).

That said, I always find suspicious the hyper-contrasting arguments for
'less old, more new' as much as the 'tradition/old is beautiful new is
crap' within art which is an intertwining of much more complex
historical, social, cultural phenomena.

> more contemporary interpretations of compositions as Mozart's Symphony #40
It's not clear if you'd like so-called 'philological' interpretations,
that is interpretations which try to perform Mozart's music in a way as
accurately as possible as it was performed in those days (e.g. using
original or replica instruments etc.) which is indeed very interesting,
or playing Mozart music on a synth which is relatively less interesting,
especially if it involves simply taking a midi file and playing it
through some synth.

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Received on Tue Dec 18 12:15:01 2012

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