Re: [LAU] Pro Audio? OT rant.

From: Jeremy Jongepier <jeremy@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 25 2012 - 15:33:32 EET

On 12/24/2012 05:38 PM, Brent Busby wrote:
> Since the albums of this era are seldom put out on vinyl

If I buy new albums I can almost always get the album on vinyl. There is
being more released on vinyl then say 15 years ago. And there is also in
almost all cases more love being put into the vinyl release: better and
more artwork (especially when the album has been released as a double
45RPM LP), extra tracks, colored vinyl (yeah, you can discuss if that
deteriorates the sound even more) and download vouchers to get a digital
copy of the album. Enough reasons for me to buy as much albums on vinyl
as possible.


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Received on Tue Dec 25 16:15:03 2012

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