Not to derail the thread or anything but I thought I'd put it out there
that the kxstudio ppas configure jack to work out of the box.
I thought I heard that falktx (the main kxstudio dev) is now involved with
the Ubuntu Studio project so maybe it's all good there too? I have no idea.
I do know that my vanilla 12.04 Ubuntu setup works like a charm using said
ppas. Granted, so far I haven't done any serious recording projects in
Ubuntu but the tracks I've played with and imported into ardour work as
Perhaps kxstudio might help someone else?
On Jan 27, 2013 12:10 PM, "Alf Haakon Lund" <alf@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> This is kind of OT, but Bob's problems with jack inspired me to share my
> experience:
> I recently bought a Toshiba Sattelite p 850 and installed Ubuntu Studio
> 12.10. It's slick and mostly just minor tweaks needed to take care of my
> office needs.
> Then onto musical needs; connect Roland Edirol UA-25EX and start Ardour,
> which exits unable to start jack. Run qjackctl, try different settings.
> Finally getting it to run and able to start Ardour I completely fail to
> record anything. More fiddling with settings. Jack hangs on exit. Ardour
> crashes. There is no sound from gmusicbrowser or internet either. Hair is
> pulled out. Starting over.
> And everything seems to work, I say "testing, testing" to my mike and hit
> a few keys on my synth, meters showing input - but it turns out what is
> actually working is the internal mike. No recording through USB...
> I search forums and pull out more hair, to no avail. I randomly change
> settings, and suddenly!
> So here's my recipe to have it all work _out of the box_:
> 1. connect UA-25EX
> 2. power up Ubuntu Studio
> 3. Start jack. Settings:
> Realtime box: checked
> Priority: DEFAULT
> Frames/period: 128 (higher number, more latency. With this I have 8ms)
> Sample Rate: 48000 (same as USB interface UA-25EX)
> Periods/buffer: 3
> Dither: None
> Audio: Duplex
> Interface: hw:1 (this will possibly be different on another machine)
> Input device: default
> Output device: default
> Channels I/O: default
> Latency I/O: default
> 4. Open sound settings. Disable built-in-audio and set jack sink as
> fallback
> 5. Run Ardour and record whatever from wherever! All playback going
> through USB interface.
> So in the end it was quite simple and working out of the box, it was just
> bloody unintuitive to figure out. And mind you, I still get in trouble if I
> run sound through pulse before starting jack.
> But all in all I like my Ubuntu Studio better and better!
> Hope this will be helpful for someone.
> Alf
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