On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 16:00:05 +0100
Ivan Tarozzi <itarozzi@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Any tips? Thanks!
Hi, I must admit I only tried briefly, long ago, ladish and
jack-session, and for one reason or another I dropped them...
recently though I've been trying out non session manager, and I must say
I really really like it:
+ it's dead simple but functional, I'd say it follows the KISS principle
+ nsm-proxy, which lets you use *any* application in a session
+ fast session switching for supported apps
+ supports session management over network
The only "cons" I could think of is that ATM *very* few apps support
it, but that isn't it's fault right?
I actually don't understand this situation, why so many support
jack-session but so little nsm (just look at [1] vs [2])? There
was a big discussion last year [3] and all the devs that took part in
the discussion, except Rui, agreed that it was the best session manager
for a variety of reasons... so why so little support for it?
[1] http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/apps/categories/jack_session
[2] http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/apps/categories/nsm
[3] http://www.linuxaudio.org/mailarchive/lad/2012/3/22/189119
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