Re: [LAU] So what do you think sucks about Linux audio ?

From: Brendan Jones <>
Date: Thu Feb 14 2013 - 16:41:54 EET

On 02/14/2013 06:13 AM, Louigi Verona wrote:
> "I keep asking why material possession trumps all other considerations,
> and you
> and Kinsella have no answer except "It does." I'm getting bored, frankly."
> I do not remember you asking me that, James.
> There is a good answer to that, although it might require some reading.
> But basically,
> because we live in a world of scarce things and the point of property is
> to resolve
> otherwise inescapable conflict over rivalrous resources.
> If you choose to trump material possession, you commit aggression. It is
> called
> "violence" and "stealing". When you hit another person, you violate
> their property rights,
> since each person owns his body.
> Obviously, if you disagree with libertarian property theory, then this
> is the root of out
> disagreement. I am curious whether you are actually familiar with it?
> L.V.
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