On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:13:11 +0100, Raffaele Morelli
<raffaele.morelli@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> 2013/2/20 Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@email-addr-hidden-dsl.net>:
>> Perhaps there are, maybe there aren't, but tiled WMs anyway are useless
>> for
>> a serious audio production GUI workflow, you even don't need a WM,
>> simply
>> use X only, if you like to break a sane workflow.
> that's your questionable opinion with some garbage
> first of all tiled WMs (like awesome) can be used in serious audio
> production as you can/cannot use tiling
> the sane workflow is the one which fits to the user
I don't want to discuss this nonsense, but I also have written, that for a
minority such WMs might be ok, so don't skew my words. You can't seriously
belief, that such WMs will be good for _common_ workflow in _averaged_
audio studios.
It should be possible for an engineer not interested in geek stuff, to
simply use the computer in any studio, were he's guest.
Engineers who are guest in a studio often can handle common software on
most common OS, even if they don't know the software and having an
averaged DE will enable to use Linux software that easy too.
Don't make Linux that freakish. It's ok for some users, but audio studios
need some standards. We also have standards for impedance etc., not really
needed, we can all build our own gear.
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Received on Wed Feb 20 16:15:09 2013
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