> > and yes, it seems that this 'clicky' sounds in bristol b43 is not a
> > bug, but is a pity that they cant be turned off..
> >
There are two parts to the keyclick in bristol, some of which you do have controlover. In the options panel there is a gain setting for the superimposed click, it issomewhere bottom left of the panel. This is a bit of noise written to the bus outputas the note goes on and you can turn it right down.
The second part are the busbar delays. There are 9 'strips' under each key, one foreach of the drawbars. Bristol implements a small delay before any bus is tappedat note_on, the delays are slightly random per key and are also velocity sensitive.You cannot control this busbar delay except by editing the profiles but this is notnoise as such, it just affects where the sine wave it tapped off.
Regards, nick.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 25 12:15:01 2013
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