Re: [LAU] LightWorks for Linux Demo

From: Dan MacDonald <allcoms@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 21 2013 - 10:08:26 EET

Hi Drew!

Seems we're working on similar projects right now.

I don't see why anyone would want to use x11vnc when there is vnc4server
(which is in the Debuntu repos). Other distros such as Fedora are using
TigerVNC now as the default for VNC I see although I've not tried TigerVNC
yet so I can't say how that compares to x11vnc and vnc4. I've not even
bothered trying TightVNC as I've heard a few people say vnc4server is more
stable than TightVNC. I get a greatly superior desktop update framerate
under vnc4server over x11vnc.There is also NX free and x2go but neither are
in the Deb repos and desktop sharing doesn't work out of the box on either
or at least it didn't work for me and we needed that.

We tried Rivendell but deemed it unsuitable for our needs. Rivendell must
be one of the last active projects still using QT3. Its interface is indeed
archaic looking and its functionality is spread over several different
apps. It isn't intuitive to me and I'm used to decoding alpha Linux apps so
forget about teaching it the non-techie hosts. It looks like we've settled
on a combo of IDJC, Skype, vnc4, jack_mixer (or similar) and Liquidsoap or
mpd for handling the non-live playlists.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:19 PM, drew Roberts <zotz@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> On Monday 18 March 2013 12:52:37 Len Ovens wrote:
> > On Mon, March 18, 2013 7:41 am, drew Roberts wrote:
> > > Say you are running rivendell on the air 24x7. If somehow the computer
> > > reboots, you want the machine to boot up, login, perhaps set up jack
> and
> > > any
> > > other "plumbing" type stuff, run rdairplay and load today's log, start
> > > playing music and commercials.
> > >
> > > So what do you do?
> >
> > Take the method I used for auto login plus screenlock and after bash put
> > the filename a script to start the whole works. In this case you would
> > want the lock to happen at the begining so the coomand would need to
> > backgrounded with &.
> I had it all working already but just going to a locked screensaver after
> one
> minute.
> I will try and get it down using some of the hints given in this thread.
> I am launching the programs via .desktop files in .config/autostart
> including
> the:
> sh -c "sleep ..." trick
> I start x11vnc right away
> I start qjackctl after 15 seconds
> this launches darkice after startup via a script
> it also has the patchbay activated to make the wanted connections
> I start rdairplay after 45 seconds
> all the best,
> drew
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