On 03/30/2013 09:01 AM, Simon Wise wrote:
> On 30/03/13 05:35, rosea.grammostola wrote:
>> The bcr2000 has rotary encoders with LEDS.
>> The bitstream 3X does have potentiometers and it's possible to set the
>> 3X in
>> such a way that the know has to pass the value of an control in a certain
>> software, before it gets 'on'.
> I find the need to move the knob (or a fader) to pick-up the value as above
> very clumsy in many circumstances ... especially when fine tuning
> something it is difficult to make the first small adjustment, and
> requires finding the target
> value first from the computer screen etc. Its OK if you have enough
> knobs so that you can control most things you want to without switching.
The Bitstream 3X has two modes, which should prevent undesirable jumps:
Jump mode:
allows the instantaneous sending of MIDI data no matter what position
the control is in at the time of the change.
This mode could provoke undesirable jumps in the values when the user
uses the different groups of the Bitstream 3X, the physical value of the
control may not correspond to the value of the same control in a new group.
Hook mode:
allows the user to avoid any undesirable jump in values: After any group
change, if the physical position of the analog control doesn’t
correspond to the value of the same control in the newly
selected group, the MIDI data is not sent while the physical position
and the value are different. Thus, no jump in value is obtained.
The LCD screen of the Bitstream 3X indicates the direction to move the
control to finally generate the MIDI.
They want to make the firmware and software open source btw (all though
that thread may be old, it's still their plan to do so):
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Received on Sat Mar 30 12:15:02 2013
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