Thanks, I'll take a look at that :)
Quoting James Mckernon <jmckernon@email-addr-hidden>:
> Seq24 is worth a look for live sequencing. It lets you record MIDI
> loops on the fly, and has a nice set of keybindings for turning them
> on and off (in groups, in sync, etc). It seems like some aspects of
> its jack support might have succumbed to bitrot, but it's worth
> experimenting to see what you can get working. In any case I'm pretty
> sure it works fine as a standalone sequencer - it just might have some
> issues when you try and sync it to another sequencer program, or vice
> versa.
> And I haven't used it myself, but it's possible that harmonySEQ might
> be of interest to you, too.
> best,
> J
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Barney Holmes <djbarney@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm from a DJ'ing background and prefer to play live and record tracks by
>> keeping everything as live as possible. Think of Richie Hawtin using locked
>> groove drum loop records and this kind of thing to make a hybrid between
>> DJ'ing and on-the-fly original track creation. I know Ardour and Jack. I can
>> create totally presequenced productions but find that takes away my
>> spontaneity. Are there examples out there of these kind of set ups ? I need
>> as many examples as possible for encouragement if nothing else. I did start
>> using Hydrogen to drive external drum synths, like Yoshimi that can make
>> drum and percussion sounds, but the Hydrogen controls are set up for
>> altering the included sample sets and don't do anything to the MIDI output.
>> I suppose I'm trying to recreate the immediacy and spontaneity that using
>> original hardware 808/909/sampler set ups used to be able to create. Another
>> example was the immediate accessibility of Propellerhead Rebith 303. It has
>> a good real time 303 implementation but all the percussion was sample based,
>> which I want to move away from. I've found creating a drum in Yoshimi sounds
>> *much* richer and more dynamic than samples. So what are you using out there
>> ? Screen shots ?
>> Peace
>> djbarney
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