Re: [LAU] icecast with jack as input source

From: Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 24 2014 - 13:09:30 EET

On Fri, January 24, 2014 8:57 pm, Peter Nelson wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-01-24 at 20:40 +1100, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have found a few different suggestions online for using icecast with
>> jack.
> icecast doesn't use any sound devices.
> darkice is probably the streaming client tool you want to use.

So everyone uses darkice instead of ices for jack support? There is very
little mention of that option in the search results that turned up for me
and nothing in the official icecast documentation.

>> Also why doesn't the debian package of icecast have support for jack?
>> It
>> has ALSA, OSS, even RoarAudio support* so is it an acute political
>> decision that I am not aware of?
> Most likely because it's not written. You could provide a patch rather
> than complain about probably imaginary politics.

That doesn't make sense as supposedly the ices-kh package has been around
for a while and is even included in Arch Linux. So why do *I* need to
write a new patch when the ices-kh repo already has or had support at some

Surely the icecast people are aware of the kh package(s)? Let's say for
the sake of argument that hte kh codebase is considered inferior for some
reason does anyone know if there a specific reason that officially
sanctioned JACK support is not already included in the official ices

Is this another one of those JACK vs PA vs Android vs Icecast vs ...?

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Jan 24 16:15:02 2014

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