[LAU] question about Ardour tempo

From: Brent Busby <brent@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 03 2014 - 00:47:19 EET

I have an Ardour project that was recorded with Ardour setup as a Jack
slave, driven by Muse. It correctly tracks the tempo from Muse at
130bpm. However, it has ended up with a tempo timeline tag of 120bpm.
Is that something hardcoded? Should I change it in the Ardour project
to reflect the true tempo? Why didn't it notice that it was tracking
faster than that?

+ Brent A. Busby	 + "We've all heard that a million monkeys
+ Sr. UNIX Systems Admin +  banging on a million typewriters will
+ University of Chicago	 +  eventually reproduce the entire works of
+ James Franck Institute +  Shakespeare.  Now, thanks to the Internet,
+ Materials Research Ctr +  we know this is not true." -Robert Wilensky
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Received on Mon Feb 3 04:15:02 2014

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