On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 8:38 AM, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden
<jonetsu@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Never did any setup. Youtube works nicely. Hence I think it's the
> bandcamp website that may be asking for 'something else'. Even with
> enabled cookies for this domain, it won't work.
> It's playing right now something from Soundcloud.com - works fine.
> I guess that if I put music online I'll be using Soundcloud as it seems
> most easiest to use, technically speaking :)
I'm using firefox without flash and bandcamp works for me as long as I allow
bandcamp.com and bcbits.com (I think that's their cdn) in noscript.
Firefox outputs to alsa loopback, zalsa_in connects to zita-mu1,
zita-mu1 (with HP switch on) connects to hw out.
The way I see it soundcloud and bandcamp serves different purposes.
I feel that bandcamp is more suited for album releases, while
soundcloud is for the occasional track releases.
But there's no reason not to use both, some people might prefer
bandcamp's personalized and cleaner page,
some people might want to use soundcloud social features, like
comments and followers.
On Tue, 4 Feb 2014 14:31:58 -0700,
Jason Jones <poeticintensity@email-addr-hidden> wrote :
> Fusion between gospel and punk, this whole album was produced in
> Linux, using Harrison Mixbus and only Linux-native (LV2 / LADSPA)
> plugins.
> http://tinyboats.bandcamp.com/
> Any thoughts or comments?
The songs are really nice. The mix is clear and the little details
came out clearly.
The louder songs are a bit tiring after a while, the bass and kick is
a bit too much for me
if listened on headphones (Focusrite HP60, I think it's a relabeled
Superlux HD662, and it is a bit boomy),
but it's good on earphones and tiny laptop speakers. Haven't tried to
listen it on a proper monitor.
I love the toms.
Overall, they're superb!!!
I'm curious though, did they go through maximizers/limiters?
If they did, how hot did you push them for the louder songs?
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Received on Wed Feb 5 12:15:01 2014
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