Re: [LAU] ams-lv2 1.0.2 and a tutorial

From: Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Feb 09 2014 - 21:37:33 EET

The point of Aurelien's work is to create a set of plugins that can be
interconnected together in arbitrary ways. Those connections consist of two
types of data: audio and control voltage. The control voltage part is

VST has no concept of "control voltage". Even if you find a host that
allows arbitrary connections between plugins, it will not have any way to
support control voltage data connections.

This will completely break almost every idea at the heart of AMS and
Aurelien's LV2 plugins.

VST, like most plugin APIs, only really knows about audio and MIDI. AMS
does not fit into that paradigm, in the same way that no self-respecting
hardware modular synthesizer lets you patch MIDI from module. They may
support MIDI I/O, but the main data that flows around between modules is
control voltage.

On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Atte <atte@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> On 02/09/2014 04:31 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
> How would the VST spec allow for control voltage?
>> (hint: it won't)
> Not sure what you're talking about.
> AMS when ran standalone is (in my setup) controlled by midi. That's what I
> thought might be possible with AMS as VST. But if you say so...
> --
> Atte

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Received on Mon Feb 10 00:15:03 2014

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